Our Philosophy
We make room to build relationships with non-believers by listening, loving, and serving them.
We invite others into the story of God, sharing the good news that Jesus redeems sinful people.
We seek to understand the Bible, God's truth so that we can be formed into the image of Christ.
We equip our church family to make disciples of all nations and lead others to do the same.
We encourage our church family to use their gifts, abilities, time, and resources to build up one another and fulfill the mission of the Church.
Every Church has a way of thinking about how to make disciples, whether intentional or not, stated or unstated, every church has a philosophy of ministry. Below are a few categories that we think are helpful ways to think through the monumental task of making disciples.
Making disciples is a Jesus-given mandate for the church. We believe that there must be an intentional process with multiple avenues to make a healthy disciple. We think about this process through the lenses of Engage, Evangelize, Establish, Equip, and Encourage (the 5 E’s).
Every ministry we have or any event we seek to do is filtered through whether or not they accomplish one of these foundational aspects of our philosophy of ministry.
We believe these to be Bible-saturated and God-honoring categories that help us as a church be as intentional as we can about what shapes our church and what we allow to shape us as followers of Jesus.
Definition of a Disciple
Someone who loves Jesus
Someone who learns the Scriptures
Someone who lives in obedience to the Scriptures
Someone who leads others to do the same
Someone who labors in the Kingdom of God
If you are going to seek to make disciples, it is important to know what you are aiming to do. We believe this to be a Scriptural faithful definition of what a disciple is and therefore it helps guide our efforts.