Kids Ministry
Children’s Ministry is much more than just “childcare” at NSBC. While it’s true we do keep your child safe and engaged (like a good babysitter), we also really value using our time wisely to help come alongside parents as we seek together to evangelize and disciple the children at NSBC. Since Jesus saw value in children, we think we should, too. Also, our kids here are pretty awesome at teaching us a lot about what childlike faith looks like, so it’s a win-win for everyone!
Student Ministry
It’s hard being a student, and it’s even harder to be a Christian student in our world today. We see and understand that our students need to have a firm foundation on what they believe and why so they can stand firm in their faith. Partnering with parents, we seek to provide a Biblical worldview for our students that they can build upon as they enter college and adulthood. We also value modeling Christian fellowship for our students (yes, Christians can have fun, too!), so we throw a few fun trips/activities in along the way!
College Ministry
College is a formative time in many ways, especially spiritually. Let’s be honest, almost everything one has been taught in regards to faith is probably tested more in this time than ever. Which is exactly why we want to provide a place for college students, believers or not, to come and ask their questions, express their doubts, and learn the truths of God’s word in a welcoming environment. (Side note: There’s often food involved!)
Hispanic Ministry
We noticed a growing Hispanic Community in our town, and we thought wouldn’t it be nice if we could share the Gospel and invite them to fellowship with us at church? Well, turns out we could once we were able to bring our bilingual pastor, Edgar Enriquez, on staff (he’s pretty great, meet Edgar here!). With Edgar’s guidance (and translating ability) we are seeking to reach the Hispanic Community with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and as an added bonus, we’re seeing our church become a little more diverse. We think that’s muy bien!
Senior Adult
No one can ever say they have mastered and fully know, understand, and apply Scripture, right? Right! That’s why we believe that no matter what age, we need to continue to grow in our understanding of and obedience to Scripture. This is exactly why we value continuing to engage our senior adults with the Word of God. We also realize this a time where many have extra time on their hands, so we also encourage them to seek fellowship with one another and serve when and where they can.
We believe in the value of Christian community. We believe in it so much that we strongly encourage our members to each get connected to a small group. It really is the best way to go from feeling like you just attend church to instead becoming a part of our church family. Our groups are designed to provide encouragement, instruction, accountability…we could keep going, but we think you get the idea. Plus, it doesn’t matter what season of life you are in because we have a place for everyone.
Women’s Ministry
Women often feel like they are being pulled in a thousand different directions, and quite frankly, it can be exhausting. We see that the ones who are the best at nurturing our church family also need nurturing, too. This is why we value providing times for our ladies to come together to grow in godliness, to be encouraged, and to just enjoy fellowship with one another.
Men’s Ministry
Men are called to be Godly protectors, providers, and leaders. The temptation can be to ignore the calling or to feel overwhelmed with it. We don’t like either of those options, so we think a third option is needed. Hence the purpose of men’s ministry, an intentional time for men to pursue Biblical manhood and encourage their brothers to do the same. Did we mention that sometimes there’s bacon involved, too?