Local Missions
Many churches point people toward a program when it comes to missions. We think that we are called to live attractional lives and not just invite people to attractional places (or programs). We want our lives to be Gospel witnesses, both with our words and our deeds. This is why we think that the most powerful and effective way to share Christ with Greenwood is to live with a missionary mindset wherever we live, work, or play. Equipped to speak the Word of God in our everyday context, we are a powerful force for good. We are a city on a hill that cannot be hidden.
Our Philosophy
We make room to build relationships with non-believers by listening, loving, and serving them.
We invite others into the story of God, sharing the good news that Jesus redeems sinful people.
We seek to understand the Bible, God's truth so that we can be formed into the image of Christ.
We equip our church family to make disciples of all nations and lead others to do the same.
We encourage our church family to use their gifts, abilities, time, and resources to build up one another and fulfill the mission of the Church.
Our Ministry Partners